Tooth Problems

What Is Tooth Decay?

Plaque is a soft, sticky film of bacteria that grows on the tooth’s surface. This plaque produces acids that can contribute to tooth decay and irritate gums. If left on the surface of your teeth it can seep into the pores of the enamel of your teeth and cause demineralization. This creates a weak spot on the surface or enamel of the tooth that if left untreated may become a cavity.

Decay often begins between the teeth, on the gum line and around existing fillings. Plaque that isn’t removed from the tooth surface can harden into a substance called tartar and can cause bad breath.

Untreated decay can destroy the tooth surface enter the tooth and infect the pulp. If this happens it can only be taken care of by pulp therapy.

What Is Pulp Therapy?

Pulp is the inner part of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Dental caries(cavities) left untreated is one of the main reasons for pulp therapy which is used in order to save the tooth. This therapy is sometimes referred to as a “mini root canal”. The correct name is a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy.

A pulpotomy removes the diseased portion within the crown of the tooth and a material is placed to prevent bacterial growth and to calm the nerve tissue. When this is completed a stainless steel crown or a restoration is placed.

A pulpectomy is required when the roots of the tooth are also infected. At this time the diseased pulp tissue is removed from both the crown and the root. The root canals are cleansed and disinfected then filled with a resorbable material. The final restoration is then placed.

Our Hours

12 PM - 7 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
Every other Saturday
8 AM - 2 PM
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