Tooth Development

Primary Teeth

Even before your child is born the teeth begin forming. The first teeth begin erupting when your child is as young as four months old. These first teeth are called primary teeth or “baby teeth”. Your child will have 20 primary teeth total with the last ones appearing at the age of three.

Permanent Teeth

Your child’s permanent teeth usually begin appearing around the age of six, although this can vary widely based upon a number of factors. The last teeth to erupt are your third molars, or “wisdom teeth”. These teeth usually begin to appear around the ages of 17-21. As well, the wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to be missing.

Our Hours

12 PM - 7 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
Every other Saturday
8 AM - 2 PM
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