

Before calling the dentist swish your mouth thoroughly with warm water especially where the pain exists. Brush your teeth and use dental floss to dislodge any food that is impacted between the teeth. If your child’s face is swollen or there is a bump on the gum contact your pediatric dentist immediately. Cold compresses can be used while you are waiting to see the dentist.

Trauma To Teeth

If your tooth is knocked out try to find the tooth. Try not to touch the root portion of the tooth. You may rinse the tooth to see if it is sound with no fractures but do not handle it unnecessarily. If the tooth does not have any fractures try to reinsert it in the socket and hold it in place by biting on a gauze and proceed immediately to the dentist. When you cannot reinsert the tooth, bring it to the dentist in a cup containing milk or the patient’s saliva. With an older child the tooth can be transported in the mouth under the tongue. Time is very critical during a trauma to the teeth even if the tooth has not fallen out. If the tooth has become loose or fractured and it is still in the gum time is of the essence also. Do not touch the tooth to see if it is loose but go immediately to the dentist where an x-ray can be taken to see if there was any damage to the roots.

Permanent Tooth Coming In and Primary Tooth Still In Place

The primary or “baby teeth” should start to fall out between the ages of 6 or 7. Sometimes the permanent tooth will errupt before the primary tooth has fallen out. The reason the primary teeth fall out is because the roots are absorbed and there is nothing to hold the tooth in the gums. If the primary tooth does not fall out after the permanent tooth has appeared and a month goes by call your pediatric dentist and they will advise you of what the next steps will be.

Our Hours

12 PM - 7 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
1 PM - 8 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
8:30 AM - 5 PM
Every other Saturday
8 AM - 2 PM
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